
25 Things You Might Have Missed in The Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom Reveal Trailer

Luckily, after a much-needed and much-needed rest (much) review, we’re starting to build a better idea of ​​what this movie is about. Bursting with excitement about what this new 2D adventure might hold, we’ve compiled the following list of things you might have missed in the Echoes of Wisdom reveal trailer.

Our picks range from pretty obvious to blink-and-you’ll-miss-them, and we’re sure there will be a few more we missed in between. Take a look at our selection of moments that might have been missed, and then head to the comments section to leave any others you’ve spotted.

Oh, and if you somehow missed the entire reveal trailer (or if you just want to watch it for the 304th time – we don’t judge), you’ll find it at the bottom of the page.

Things You May Have Missed in The Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom Trailer

A suspicious sword

Zelda: Echoes of the Detailed Wisdom
Image: Nintendo

Right from the jump, we had questions about Link’s sword. That hilt doesn’t look Master Sword-y, does it? The blue is lighter than any other color we’ve seen before (unless you count something like the Tri-Element White Sword from Small hatwhich we’re pretty confident won’t show up here) and the shape isn’t quite as ‘winged’ as it should be. Um.

Are we looking at a whole new blade here? Is this what the Master Sword looks like in The awakening of connection-style art style? Are we reading too much into this when Link is dropped five seconds later?

Zelda is all Crystal-y (Again)

Zelda: Echoes of the Detailed Wisdom
Image: Nintendo

Oh, Princess Zelda and her ‘trapped in a crystal’ joke? How is she!

We have previously seen the Hylian king locked inside a similar crystal cage Ocarina of time, A link to the pastAnd The adventure of four swords. Don’t worry, she tends to do it.

Old school Ganon

Zelda: Echoes of the Detailed Wisdom
Image: Nintendo

This big old pig Ganon looks very similar to the designs found in A Link to the Past / Between worlds and Prophecy Game. In this case, we’d lean towards the ‘Fallen Heroes’ timeline, although Four Swords Adventure also features an evil boar character, so we wouldn’t rule out the ‘Triumphant – timeline. Child’— you know, save that timeline. Timeline chat for another day.

Zelda: Echoes of the Detailed Wisdom
Image: Nintendo

Much as Tears of the Kingdom, it seems likely that the Link we find at the start of Echoes of Wisdom (assuming his demise happens in the first place) is a fully-powered hero. He has the Hylian Shield, a bow, and the ability to jump (usually requiring Roc’s Feathers/cloak in top-down games) during his battle with Ganon before slipping through the rift.

What is this? Metroids?

Floating islands in the kingdom of darkness

The Dark Kingdom, the Dark World, call it what you want, but there are strange things going on in the purple rifts spreading across Hyrule. Looking at this other dimension in one shot reveals islands floating in the distance. Another shot appears to show Princess Zelda in this alternate world picking up the Echo.

It wouldn’t really be a Zelda game without the dimension change, right?

New fast travel spot?

The gameplay reveal shows these strange figurines appearing everywhere. There’s one on the bottom right island in the first shot of the overworld (just outside the Pond of Happiness in Link to the Past, if we follow Hypothesize that it’s the same map) and then they can also be spotted in towns and other places of interest. They even appear on the minimap and emit a pale yellow light when Zelda walks near them.

We’re guessing that these are fast travel or save points – they’re definitely in the right place – but perhaps they have some other meaning.

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