
4 Supplements That Can Help Lower Your Cortisol Levels

Cortisol—it’s a stress hormone that’s often vilified and blamed for its role in excess belly fat and the risk of certain chronic diseases.

It’s a hormone your body secretes to help you fight back or flee the scene when faced with a threat. But when your life is so stressful that cortisol is always flowing through your veins, it can lead to high blood sugar, high blood pressure, being overweight and diabetes – all of which increase your risk of many dangerous diseases. dangerous. long-term health condition.

So it’s no surprise that you want a pill that can reduce cortisol.

Here’s what’s known about supplements that can affect how your body handles stress and, in turn, reduce your cortisol.


A 2020 review in the journal Nutrients Supports the theory of a vicious cycle of magnesium stress. As it turns out, many common signs of stress are also symptoms of low magnesium, such as fatigue, trouble sleeping, upset stomach, nervousness, irritability, and headaches. Research shows that stress can deplete the body of this essential nutrient, and low magnesium levels can make the body more sensitive to stress. Enhanced magnesium with a supplementSome studies show that it can reduce symptoms of stress, such as irritability, fatigue and stress poor sleepand reduce cortisol levels.

“If those symptoms sound like just another Tuesday to you,” says Cydney McQueen, PharmD, a clinical professor at the University of Missouri-Kansas, “A lot of people There is a bit of a magnesium deficiency in the US.” City School of Pharmacy and an expert in dietary supplements.

If you want to try a supplement because of its possible effects on your body’s stress and cortisol levels, McQueen says magnesium would be a good place to start. Over-the-counter magnesium supplements at recommended doses are known to be safe and may also provide other benefits. Magnesium through food or supplements can help prevent diabetes, migraines, and osteoporosis, and it can also help lower blood pressure.

“Administering a reasonable dose through dietary supplements can have beneficial effects, and we know that the dose is safe.”

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids

Healthy fats found in seafood and soy, among other sources, may play a role in creating stress biomarkers, including cortisol.

A 2018 study of 2,724 middle-aged adults in the journal Psychoneuroendocrine found that people with high cortisol levels had low blood levels of omega-3s. Some studies have found that when people with these biological markers of stress supplemented with omega-3s, cortisol levels and other indicators of stress improved.

Omega-3 is another that McQueen emphasizes is a well-known supplement that is generally safe and may have other benefits.

“These supplements may be anti-inflammatory and may treat some of the negative effects of increased cortisol,” she says. “They may also benefit your blood flow and lipid profile,” she says.

But before you try these supplements, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) advises that there is conflicting evidence about whether increasing omega-3s can increase the risk of prostate cancer. People who take medications that affect blood clotting or are allergic to fish or shellfish should talk to their doctor before taking this supplement.

Vitamin C

A 2017 study analysis, published on JBI database of system assessments and implementation reportsconcluded that release was sustained at high doses vitamin C Helps reduce blood pressure spikes and anxiety in response to stress in women. That doesn’t mean it won’t have the same effect on men. The study simply did not include men.

Vitamin C is known to be an antioxidant so it may provide other health benefits. Be careful, though, taking too much vitamin C has real risks, especially in certain groups, such as postmenopausal women with diabetes and those at risk of kidney stones. . The upper limit for all adults is 2,000 mg/day.


This green shrub found in India, Africa and the Middle East has been used medicinally for thousands of years. Ashwagandha known as an adaptogen – a plant or mushroom that helps the body respond to stress, anxiety or fatigue.

Some clinical trials show that evergreens can help reduce stress and insomnia.

“If you have a supplement that helps you Sleep It’s a little better at night, which is a way of dealing with stress, so your cortisol naturally goes down,” McQueen says.

According to the NIH, there is less evidence supporting ashwagandha’s role in anxiety.

Remember, most formal scientific studies of medicinal plants tend to suffer from the same problem—very small sample sizes. Research on this particular plant is no different. That said, “it looks promising in helping those in need perturbation And emphasize. As part of that, you reduce cortisol,” McQueen said.

Regarding safety, the study did not follow people taking ashwagandha for more than three months. There may be long-term effects that are still unknown. You should not take it if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, about to have surgery, or have an autoimmune or thyroid disorder. It also interacts with some medications. If you take prescription medication, clarify this supplement with your doctor or pharmacist first.

Bottom line

These supplements can help regulate your cortisol levels. But remember, McQueen emphasizes, “Cortisol is a symptom, not a disease.”

The cause of high cortisol levels is stress.

“Anything you can do to reduce stress—yoga, meditate, sleep bettera healthier diet—will also reduce cortisol.”

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