
6 Foods That Make You Age Faster

You know that the food you eat affects everything from your waistline to your mood. New research shows how you Diet may also play a role in how well do you age.

Several studies have explored the link between popular diets and the aging process: Mediterranean diet was show to slow down the aging process and foods rich in antioxidants and nutrients such as vitamin E and choline—hello nuts, eggs, and fish—appear have a protective effect on cognitive health. But what about foods that have the opposite effect?

“There are a lot of sugars, fats and salts, preservatives…and other chemical compounds. [in a typical American diet],” says Raelene Brooks, PhD, RN, a dietitian and dean of the School of Nursing at the University of Phoenix. “These foods lead to an inflammatory response that can negatively affect our DNA, which can lead to aging.”

These six foods can make you age faster:

first. Coffee

Ned one java jolt to start the morning? You should probably just have a few glasses.

Coffee drinkers who consume more than six cups of coffee per day tend to have smaller brain volume and 53% higher risk of being diagnosed with the disease dementia compared to coffee drinkers who refilled their cups less often. Some studies have even found that every 100 mg of caffeine (about the amount in one cup of coffee) is associated with 2.4 years of accelerated aging. But you may not have to give up your morning cup of joe entirely.

“There are many other studies showing the benefits of coffee,” explains Alice H. Lichtenstein, PhD, chief of the Cardiovascular Nutrition Group at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University.

In fact, moderate coffee intake has been linked to a variety of health benefits from improved muscle strength ARRIVE reduce risk of cardiovascular disease; some study It was even found that people who drank 1.5 to 3.5 cups of coffee per day were 21% less likely to die during the study period than those who did not drink coffee.

2. Dairy products

Milk consumption has been linked to a low risk heart disease, osteoporosis and colon cancer, but more and more research is discovering the downsides of milk.

Whole milk can be particularly problematic. Also higher rate of prostate cancer and Parkinson’s disease, it has been link to higher rates of cognitive decline in older adults and increased biological aging.

“Whole milk is higher in fat, and there has been research linking high-fat diets to inflammation,” says Brooks. “When inflammation is triggered… cells can’t regenerate as efficiently. [and] began to deteriorate.”

3. Spicy food

Bland diet is bland, but add too much spice in food may put you at higher risk of dementia.

Researchers followed a group of older Chinese adults for 15 years and establish that people who regularly consumed more than 50 grams (about ¼ cup) of chili peppers per day had lower cognitive scores than those who ate less spicy food.

This may not be a worrying finding in the United States—45% of Americans express favourite for “mild” foods—so don’t give up paprika, cayenne pepper, and curry powder just yet. But Brooks suggests opting for fresh spices and prepared options.

“The combination of preservatives and sodium [in some packaged spices and hot sauces] can affect the brain,” she explained.

4. Sodium

It is no secret that sodium it’s hard on your heart

“In many people, excess sodium in the diet increases blood pressure,” says Lichtenstein. “High blood pressure is associated with an increased risk of stroke, heart disease, [and] age-related chronic diseases.”

The US Dietary Guidelines recommend limiting sodium intake. 2,300 milligrams per day, but most Americans consume 50 percent more, likely because of sodium hidden in foods from condiments and cereals to processed cheeses. Those sneaky sources of sodium can harm your brain.

High sodium diet, which diet learn defined as greater than 12,000 milligrams (or 2.1 teaspoons) per day, was associated with poorer cognitive function and a 330% increased risk of cognitive impairment.

5. Carbohydrate

Have a love-hate relationship with carbs? So does science. The high-protein/low-carb keto diet maybe make your organs age faster or it can improve brain performance (or not).

Although the research is conflicting, one thing is clear: Carbohydrates trigger a inflammatory responsehave a negative impact on your health. But Brooks has a word for those who think aging well means giving up pasta and bread. “Moderation.”

6. Artificial sweeteners

You may want to skip this. diet soda.

Drinking one can of diet soda a day is related with increased risk of dementia and higher consumption of artificial sweeteners link to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke. Lichtenstein called the link “tenuous” and noted that it could be due to other risk factors, including a diet high in red and processed meat and ultra-processed foods.

Brooks was less surprised by the results.

“Artificial sweeteners are man-made chemicals designed to trick the brain into thinking it’s eating sugar but without the calories,” she says. “Whenever you have that kind of compound that triggers the brain [and causing] Inflammation is a negative thing.”

Learn more about aging well and living longer:

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