
The 9 best sunscreens, WIRED tested and reviewed

I’m not always like that A fan of sunscreen. Like so many millennials, I didn’t understand the risks of turning into a lobster on the beach in high school or spending hours in a tanning bed before prom. I think I look better when I’m tanned, and sunscreen feels rough and makes me break out. I know better now and luckily sunscreens have come a long way in terms of formula and feel and can actually be really pleasant to use. I now wear it every day in hopes of erasing my sins of sun worship, or at least preventing any further damage.

“Wearing sunscreen is important because it protects us from harmful UV rays that can lead to sunburn, premature aging and even skin cancer,” says. Ellen MarmurBoard certified dermatologist and founder MMSkin care. “Because of these risks, I recommend wearing sunscreen every day. Whether you’re driving, going to the beach, or even just flying, sunscreen plays a key role in protecting your skin.

Okay, so we’ve established that sunscreen is important. But once you commit to using it every day, choosing a sunscreen can be a really difficult task. There are a lot of options out there, and they are really very different. To help you organize all the bottles on your shelves, we spoke to skin care experts and tested them throughout the summer. Here’s what you need to know to help you choose the right sunscreen for you, and our top picks for the best sunscreens available today.

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What is the difference between mineral sunscreen and chemical sunscreen?

There are two main ways that sunscreen can protect: physical or chemical. Mineral sunscreens create a physical barrier that sits on top of the skin and reflects UV rays away from you. Chemical sunscreens contain ingredients that penetrate the skin and absorb UV rays, converting them into heat for your body to release. Some sunscreen formulations use a mixture of mineral and chemical ingredients.

Each type of sunscreen has advantages and disadvantages. Mineral formulas leave a white cast (unless they are tinted) and tend to feel thicker and heavier than chemical sunscreens. They’re typically gentler and less irritating, Marmur says, which makes them a good choice for people with sensitive skin. They are also safer for the environment and do not cause as much damage to coral reefs.

On the other hand, chemical sunscreens do not streak and feel lighter on the skin. Because they penetrate deeper, you may find that they endure sweaty activities better, says Marmur. Disadvantages? Some ingredients in chemical sunscreens can cause skin irritation in some people.

“Avobenzone is unstable when exposed to light and can be a cause of dermatitis,” says Marmur. Some products include stabilizers to help prevent this. Two other chemical sunscreens, oxybenzone and octinoxate, have been banned in Key West and Hawaii because of their adverse effects on marine life and there are concerns about these ingredients leading to hormone disruption. in humans, although there are no problems. Abundant evidence to assist with this.

Is higher SPF always better?

SPF stands for sun protection factor, and the rating refers specifically to how well a product protects against UVB rays. “The difference in percentage protection between SPF 30 and SPF 100 is quite small and may be much smaller than what you expect,” says Marmur. For example, SPF 30 ensures that 97% of UVB radiation is blocked, while SPF 50 increases that percentage to 98 and SPF 100 increases that percentage to 99%. So higher is technically better, but there’s not a huge difference in the level of protection you get.

“With that said, I recommend using sunscreen with at least SPF 30 because it typically provides similar protection compared to SPF as high as 100, says Marmur. Regardless of the SPF number, you want a product that provides broad-spectrum protection against UVA rays as well. and UVB.

What ingredients should you avoid in sunscreen?

Based on what we know about sunscreens and the safety of common ingredients, “the benefits of using sunscreen significantly outweigh the risks,” Marmur said. Applying sunscreen regularly is not only a matter of safety, but it’s also one of the best things you can do to prevent premature aging. “Good sunscreen habits today are like money in the bank, insurance against expensive lasers to eliminate sun damage or worse, against surgery and scars due to skin cancer.

Many of the concerns raised about oxybenzone are related to studies performed on rats, in which the animals were fed oxybenzone. According to a word analysis Archives of dermatological researchIt took humans 277 years of using oxybenzone sunscreen to reach the equivalent dose of the chemical that caused side effects in mice. Oxybenzone is also present in many products people use, such as nail polish, hairspray, and plastics. “There have been no reported cases of demonstrated systemic adverse reactions to sunscreens,” Marmur said. “But there are millions of cases of skin cancer every year, directly linked to UV radiation from the sun that damages the skin’s DNA.”

That being said, there are some ingredients you should avoid.

Marmur recommends avoiding adding fragrance to sunscreen products, especially for those with sensitive skin. Avobenzone, a common chemical sunscreen ingredient, may cause skin irritation in some people. Retinyl palmitate, a form of vitamin A used in some sunscreens, is thought to increase the risk of skin cancer when exposed to sunlight. Oxybenzone and octinoxate are especially harmful to coral reefs. None of the sunscreens on this list contain oxybenzone, octinoxate, or retinyl palmitate.

What to know about terms like “reef safe”

Reef-safe and reef-friendly are not regulated designations, so brands can use these terms as marketing tools without receiving any certification and that doesn’t mean the product won’t cause it any harmful to the environment. However, there are some sunscreens that have less impact on marine ecosystems than others. In general, mineral sunscreens are less harmful to coral than chemical sunscreens.

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