
The EU says the election results in Mozambique are being proven

Reuters A woman reacts to tear gas in Maputo, Mozambique - Monday, October 21, 2024Reuters

Tear gas and live ammunition were fired at protests during the election unrest

Election observers working for the European Union (EU) say some voting results have been tampered with in Mozambique as unrest in the country continues to grow.

Thousands of people took part in opposition protests on Monday called by independent presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane.

He blamed the security forces shot dead lawyer Elvino Dias and another political official named Paulo Guambe in the same car last Friday – but they deny any wrongdoing.

The official results of the general election held on October 9 will be announced on Friday.

Found evidence of “irregularities in the vote counting process and unfounded changes in election results at the polling station and district level”, said the EU observer delegation in a statement on Tuesday.

They are now urging “electoral authorities to conduct the vote counting process in a transparent and reliable manner, ensuring traceability of polling station results”.

Vote buying, high voter turnout in strongholds of the ruling Frelimo party and voter intimidation have all been reported by the US-based International Republican Institute, which also sent a multinational election observation delegation to this southern African country.

Mozambique’s national results were due to be published on the electoral commission’s website for all to see, but last month the body said its website had been hacked. The website is still down.

Reuters Two masked Mozambican police officers try to disperse people gathered to participate in a rally called by presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane over the killing of two of his supporters, in Maputo, Mozambique - Thursday Hai, October 21, 2024Reuters

Police used live ammunition, tear gas, armored vehicles and police dogs on Monday

Venâncio Mondlane, the 50-year-old presidential candidate who is backed by the opposition Podemos party, declared victory and alleged that the murder of his aides on Friday night was politically motivated.

“This is a crime committed by defense and security forces. There is no doubt about it. Special forces killed Elvino [Dias]”, he said.

Mondlane has rallied people in cities across Mozambique to protest the killings and against what he said was the theft of the election.

On Monday, police used live ammunition, tear gas, armored vehicles and police dogs to push back protesters from the site in the capital Maputo where Dias and Guambe were shot dead.

Protesters also blocked roads with burning tires and barricades.

Footage shows Mondlane and the journalists running for cover after shots were fired in their direction.

Across the cities of Maputo, Beira and Nampula, local media reported multiple arrests and at least 16 people injured and taken to hospital.

Stores and businesses closed on Monday but began reopening on Tuesday.

Reuters A young man throws a stone during a nationwide protest called by presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane in Maputo, Mozambique - Monday, October 21, 2024Reuters

Protesters block roads in Maputo

Dias’ funeral will take place on Wednesday. Mondlane has called for protests to continue on Thursday and Friday.

Pressure is growing on Mozambican authorities to identify the killers and bring them to justice following strong condemnation from former Mozambican President Armando Guebuza, the United Nations, the US and the EU.

Prominent Mozambican author Mia Couto called the killing a “crime against the nation”.

Mozambique is ruled by just one party – Frelimo – which has ruled since independence from Portugal.

The country is assured of a new president as President Filipe Nyusi is about to step down after completing his two terms.

Frelimo candidate is Daniel Chapo, 47 years old.

His opponents in this election are Mondlane, Ossufo Momade – a former rebel commander turned leader of the main opposition party Renamo – and Lutero Simango from the Mozambican Democratic Movement.

AFP An image taken by Paulo Guambe (left) and consultant and lawyer Elvino Dias (right), who worked with presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane during a candlelight vigil AFP

Prayers were held for Paulo Guambe and Elvino Dias – who are pictured here in black and white

Other BBC stories about Mozambique:

Getty Images/BBC A woman looking at her mobile phone and BBC News Africa imageGetty Images/BBC

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