
The Zelda fan film kicks off its fundraising campaign with its first live-action trailer

Production on Live-action Legend of Zelda movie from Nintendo and Sony might be ticking behind closed doors, but in the meantime, a group of fans is taking on the challenge of bringing Hyrule to life.

Above you’ll find the first trailer for ‘Lost in Hyrule‘, an upcoming live-action fan film just opened for donations Rupees on Kickstarter (or other non-Hylian currencies, if you wish). According to the campaign page, the story goes Later events of Ocarina of time And Majora’s maskoffers the filmmaker’s perspective on “the untold ending to the Hero of Time story”. Um, legend.

Director Chris Carpenter will also take on the role of Link, while Princess Zelda, “the driving force in this movie”, will play A series of unfortunate events‘ Avi Lake.

The project is aiming to raise $30,000 via Kickstarter (around £24,000), with 100% of the funds raised going towards the film. At the time of writing, things are now about a third of the way to the goal, with 31 days left until it all wraps up on February 21.

Now let’s talk about the Mario-shaped elephant in the room. The Kickstarter page clearly states that the project is not affiliated with Nintendo or the upcoming official live-action film, pledging to “follow the wishes of Nintendo, Sony Pictures or Arad Productions”, if any major players are involved.

However, if things move forward without any legal issues, the project plans to wrap up its fundraising campaign next month before filming begins in April and releases in the fall of 2025 – that’s true. This is a turning point! Besides the above teaser trailer, the production team also released a trailer ‘pitch’ video explains the project and lays out some of the story beats we can expect (hello, Child Link).

This is certainly an ambitious project, but looking at the footage so far, it’s safe to say the heart is in the right place. We’ll be watching over the coming months to see how this progresses. Unfortunately, we already know more about it than Nintendo and Sony’s upcoming plans…

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