
Global efforts to end female genital mutilation undermined by ‘vacation cuts’

Although many countries have increased efforts towards eradication, the practice continues to take place around the world partly due to the “clandestine nature of cross-border and transnational FGM,” it said. know.

“Female genital mutilation is is part of the continuum of gender-based violence and has no place in a world that respects human rights,” speak United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk.

“It must be eliminated in all its forms, and the gender stereotypes and patriarchal norms that anchor and sustain it must be uprooted.”

Millions of people are in danger

According to estimates, there are about 4.3 million girls at risk of FGM by 2023. reportbased on in-depth research and submissions from States and civil society organizations around the world.

More than 600,000 women in the European Union are believed to be living with the consequences of FGM, which the World Health Organization (WHO) define are “all procedures involving the partial or total removal of the female external genitalia or other injuries to the female genitalia for non-medical reasons.”

It is mainly performed on young girls from birth to 15 years old.

This practice provides no health benefits to girls and women and causes severe bleeding and difficulty urinating.and later cysts, infections as well as complications during childbirth and increased risk of infant death,” WHO added.

‘Cut breaks’ during school holidays

The report said so-called “holiday cutting” is when families, especially in Europe and North America, take their daughters back to their home countries and communities to undergo FGM during the holidays learn.

In certain cases, the girls were said to have been taken to countries that acted as agents “transnational FGM center”. In some cases, the “cutters” themselves travel across borders to carry out harmful procedures.

The report identified cross-border and transnational movements for FGM around the world. They say girls and young women living in border communities are especially vulnerable because border areas often contain communities with cultural and ethnic ties that extend beyond national borders. .

Address the root causes

“Countries across the globe have made human rights commitments to eliminate FGM and promote gender equality,” Mr. Türk said.

“They should ensure a participatory global approach to addressing the root causes and consequences of FGM, by harmonizing legal and policy frameworks and ensuring their implementation, if they actually meet their commitments to end this harmful practice everywhere. ”

The report calls for greater regional and international cooperation towards eradication.

Proposed measures include allocating appropriate resources to establish and implement regional policy frameworks and cooperative arrangements to address cross-border disasters and support survivors.

States are also called upon to ensure that effective prevention measures are in place – designed in consultation with survivors and relevant civil society organizations in cooperation with affected communities, religious and traditional leaders.

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