
Review: Lackluster control and enforcement of the afternoon hampered it

The afternoon was pale is a perfect example of a game I generally love and am passionate about, but the execution of certain elements means I don’t want to go back after one run. The sprite work is exceptional, the concept is great and the story makes sense, but the way it is handled can hinder someone’s experience.

by Yeo The afternoon was pale begins with a yakuza named Seiji Maruyama being released from prison. When he went outside, he found his old organization in chaos. The Azuma clan falls from grace after Seiji chooses to fall and go to prison for the good of the group, while the others consolidate their control of the city. You are given some money and a few days in a hotel room, but it is not enough to continue. Additionally, Seiji’s health has been halved and is decreasing, a gameplay fixture that also alludes to his physical condition. Your goal is to go through the short days of his life, choosing what he will do with his time and his future.

Now, before I get into this, one of the The afternoon was paleIts failure is its control scheme. It feels awkward. There are awkward button combinations for some actions that seem unintuitive. Others offer no explanation of their original meaning, which means experimentation and possibly forgetting until successful. But the worst offenders will go to war. On Switch, many actions involve pressing Y and B. This is extremely annoying, especially for certain holds and counts.

This also means that the user interface is limited and doesn’t offer enough. Some ingredients are not labeled. They may not be relevant to the information you need to proceed. After I watched the combat tutorial for the first time, my thumb hurt. I pull up the menu and select the option that sends it to the main menu. Silly me, I assumed this meant the game would autosave. Are not! When I reloaded it, I needed to review that extended tutorial (also longer than necessary). The UI also doesn’t tell you what time it is, which is important in a game where each day passes by, and I wish it was easier to check the map to plot out my day without have to get on board and potentially waste some stuff. hour.

All of this is a shame, because there are so many other factors The afternoon was pale Very good. Every day, you can basically have Seiji explore three locations before night falls and you wait to do it all over again. Initially, there will be suggestions on what to do. Please visit Azuma. Learn about the value of going to a pawn shop to buy a gun. Learn about the positions of different individuals. A reminder from the hotel that you only have a few days left until your time in the room is up, which means having to find income to continue staying or buy an apartment.

The afternoon was pale is also a game with many paths and many messages. The atmosphere is thick and you can feel how Seiji’s past and present weigh on him. You cannot run, although it is possible to “borrow” a bike to move more quickly through some locations, which further emphasizes that we are following someone who has fallen very far and may not be able to get up Okay. The choices you make may even offer the opportunity to get out of the city and into the countryside, for a more leisurely escape. While Yeo very rarely dictates what to do and instead offers contextual clues or options, you can even find potential paths. I ended up bringing Kato along for fun and found that doing so sometimes affected the interaction. You can make friends with everyone! I continued doing the same with Azuma and it led to a specific storyline. Everything you do can lead to different choices, unlocks, and endings, and that’s incredibly satisfying.

It also looks and feels great with unobstructed controls and user interface. Think of it like a slower tempo yakuza or Like a dragon game. There are many of the same options and opportunities for you to follow the same path and play the way you want, if you want. But at the same time, you can get caught up in the conflict and fully participate in the lifestyle. Meanwhile, you’ll find intricate cityscapes and even rural areas that have such character and depth.

Yeo has created a good and meaningful game The afternoon was pale. It’s a fun experience and can feel different from run to run depending on your decisions. The problem is that some decision-making directions get in the way, making you feel uncomfortable or inconvenient at times. However, I’d say it’s worth the trouble.

The afternoon was pale available for Nintendo Switch And computer.


The afternoon was pale

Seiji Maruyama is a middle-aged yakuza recently released from prison. Known as “Gozuki” (one of the demon generals in Buddhist mythology), he is the power his oyabun relies on. Converted version is considered. Evaluation copy provided by the company for testing purposes.

Yeo has created a beautiful and meaningful game in Afternoon Afternoon. The problem is that some decisive directions hinder it all

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