
Random: 350 smuggled strollers in passengers’ bras were seized by Chinese customs

Luigi stroller
Image: Nintendo Life

This is a story that would make any English tea drinker blush. Officials at the port of Liantang, Guangdong, stopped a passenger who was trying to smuggle 350 Nintendo Switch cartridges through Chinese customs. Her method? Pack them into her bra. Oh my God (Thank, Tom’s Hardware).

Wipe Earl Grey’s mouth clean, we’re sure you just spit all over the room, it’s time for the details.

According to a customs statement obtained from Hong Kong News (and translated via Google), the woman appeared to “look nervous and behave unusually” as she tried to get through airport screening, leading officials to pull her aside for questioning more.

350 Switch cartridges found… about her *Um* is estimated to be worth a whopping 70,000 yuan (about £7,600 / $9,600, in case you were wondering).

As is the case in most countries, bringing any undeclared goods through customs is a big no-no and is considered smuggling. According to China General Department of CustomsIf they believe that the ink cartridges are not considered prohibited goods, the authorities will confiscate them and may “impose a fine not exceeding three times the amount of tax payable but evaded”. Sorry.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen Nintendo goods confiscated by customs – even if the smuggling method is new. 7.6 tons of fake Pokémon cards were confiscated in 2021 before they could enter Europe, and 2020 saw 86,000 fake Pokémon statues The land suffered the same fate.

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