
Trump Campaign Attacks Tim Walz for Allowing “Convicted Felons to Vote”

Donald TrumpThe ‘waste no time Tuesday’ campaign is pursuing Kamala Harris‘S newly published companion, governor of Minnesota Tim Walz. Though perhaps an extra beat or two might have given the group time to make a stronger attack argument than the argument for allowing convicted felons to vote—which seems a bit odd considering the Republican top ticket!

Well, in a statement released shortly after the Walz news was made official, a Trump campaign spokesperson condemned the governor for “embracing policies that allow convicted felons to vote.” Just to reiterate, Donald Trump has guilty of 34 felony charges last May, making him—you guessed it—a convicted felon.

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Interestingly, unless he is actually in prison by the time of the November election, Trump will allow to vote, because voting laws in Florida, where he resides, allow residents convicted of crimes in other states to vote if the state where they were convicted allows them to do so. Because New York, where Trump was convicted, allows anyone to vote as long as they are not serving a prison sentence, Trump could vote in the fall.

In addition to owning up to the vote, the Trump campaign also criticized Walz for “proposing his own zero-carbon agenda” and “proposing stricter emissions standards for gasoline-powered cars,” all of which Team Trump claimed were part of the governor’s plot to “reshape Minnesota in the image” of California, which is a dirty word in Republican circles. The campaign also cited a 2017 quote from Walz in which he speak His state’s rural areas consist of “mostly rocks and cows.” (It seems unlikely that Trump, who grew up in New York and a millionaire at the age of eight Thanks to his father’s real estate empire, he may be able to prove that he understands rural America better than the Nebraska-born Walz, but he’ll clearly try!)

For his part, Walz appear got the nod from Harris for policies that would appeal to progressive and working-class voters, though he may have sealed the deal by going on TV and calling out MAGA Republicans for are complete weirdosLast month, he speak CNN, Trump: “Listen to that guy. He’s talking about Hannibal Lecter and shock sharks and whatever crazy thing comes into his head.… It’s strange behavior.”

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