
Adding pressure to dry up funding for Houthi militias, Yemeni leader tells UN

“A collective approach is needed to support the Government of Yemen in strengthening its institutional capacity,” Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi told world leaders at the annual high-level meeting of the United Nations General Assembly. its ability to address the ongoing economic crisis and protect against threats to international shipping.” -level meeting.

Focusing primarily on what he sees as the unprecedented escalation of the threat posed by the Iran-backed Houthi militia, Mr. Al-Alimi said that without increased efforts and support to address the threat “The militias will not participate in any effort to seek a comprehensive peace,” nor will they refrain from “blackmailing” the region and the broader international community.

He argued that such efforts should not only include immediate humanitarian assistance but also extend to measures aimed at creating “stronger accountability mechanisms, especially in areas affected by militia control,” as well as greater investment in infrastructure, health care, education and sustainable development.

The Government, he continued, recently suspended its decision to move its bank headquarters from Sana’a, which is under Houthi control, to the temporary capital in Aden, responding to a call by the United Nations. nations and the international community to reduce tensions.

The decision can be upheld “on the condition that the Houthis engage in serious negotiations aimed at easing the country’s economic crisis and reviving peace efforts according to the roadmap proposed by Saudi Arabia and Oman acts as intermediary.”

Despite these and other efforts to de-escalate, Houthi militias hijacked three Yemen Airlines planes, launching drone attacks against the Safer oil facility and enacted “racial orders and laws” to ensure the nomination of their affiliates to public positions.

This ongoing pattern of reckless escalation requires the international community to adopt firm policies and push the militias towards peaceful options, in accordance with international resolutions.

He said Yemen’s years-long economic crisis continues to be exacerbated by Houthi violence and terrorist attacks, including in the Red Sea and surrounding waterways, not only affecting the region but also threatening trillions of dollars in global trade and against oil facilities, hindering global trade. the Government’s ability to pay workers and provide public services.

The ongoing “economic war” waged by the Houthis “is part of a larger strategy to weaken the Government and worsen the humanitarian crisis facing 14 million Yemenis.”

In that context, Mr. Al-Alimi emphasized: “Yemen’s recovery is not only a national issue but also a regional and global need, because the country’s stability is very important to maintain. maintain peace and security. [locally] as well as important trade routes in the Red and Arabian Seas and surrounding waterways.”

Regarding the situation in the wider Middle East, Mr. Al-Alimi said: “Israel’s brutal war against the Palestinian people must stop immediately. It is the key to the desired peace and the starting point to remove the cover from the reasons of Iran and its agents to aggravate the situation in the region.”

Click here to see the full statement (in Arabic).

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