
Afghanistan: Condemns new Taliban order on ‘virtues and vices’ targeting women

“The law for the promotion of virtue and the prevention of vice” silences women’s voices and deprives them of their autonomy,really try to turn them into faceless, voiceless shadows”, speak Ravina Shamdasani, OHCHRChief spokesperson for.

“This is completely unacceptable,” she stressed.

“We call on the authorities to immediately repeal this law, which is currently in effect. clear violation of Afghanistan’s obligations under international human rights law“ .

Vague, oppressive regulations

The law passed last week imposes a long list of repressive provisions on women, including mandatory clothing that covers the entire body, a ban on women expressing their opinions in public and further restrictions on their movements unless accompanied by a male relative.

Even the sound of a woman’s voice outside the house seems to be considered a moral violation.

It also requires men to grow beards, bans drivers from playing music, and restricts the media from publishing people’s photos. State agents are given broad powers to arrest individuals and impose penalties.

Ms. Shamdasani stressed that disempowering and making Afghan women and girls invisible will only exacerbate the human rights and humanitarian crisis in the country.

“Instead, this is the time to bring together all Afghans, regardless of gender, religion or ethnicity, to work together to address the many challenges facing the country,” she urged.

‘A sorrowful vision’ for the future

The UN’s top special envoy to Afghanistan, Roza Otunbayeva, also condemned the new law, describing it as a “sad prospect” for the country’s future.

After decades of war and amid a dire humanitarian crisis, the Afghan people deserve better than to be threatened or imprisoned. if they happen to be late for prayer, glance at a non-family member of the opposite sex, or possess a photo of a loved one,” she said in a declare.

Citizens, not subject to disciplinary action

Ms. Otunbayeva added that The international community “sought, in good faith” to engage constructively with the Taliban..

“The world wants to see Afghanistan on the path of peace and prosperity, where all Afghans have a stake in the future, as citizens with rights, not just objects of discipline.”

She stressed that further restricting Afghans’ rights and keeping them in a state of constant fear would make achieving that goal “even more difficult”.

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