
Amazon says it plans to develop games for Switch successor

New World
Image: Amazon Games

A new one The Nintendo Generation is Just Around the Corner and it looks like publishing giant Amazon Games is likely to release its titles on the Switch’s “successor” in the future.

Talk to IGN Amazon Games CEO Christoph Hartmann recently mentioned that the Switch has been “a great product” throughout its lifecycle, and Amazon’s plans for the future apparently include developing games for Nintendo’s next console.

Hartmann is also happy to wait a little longer for Nintendo’s new device, rather than see it hit the market with potential bugs. Here’s what he had to say:

“Yeah, obviously we have plans to develop games for it and I can’t wait for it to come out. I mean, honestly, I’d rather them wait a year and get it perfect than rush it to market and then we’re complaining about what didn’t work… The Switch is a great product, I can wait another year if I need to. And from a development perspective, I think most non-Nintendo developers don’t just make Switch titles. They’re always part of a cross-platform portfolio. We’ll see.”

According to the source, Amazon Games has actually never published a game on a Nintendo platform before. Their previous works include games like New World and it helped with titles like The Lost Chest. It is also releasing upcoming releases Throne and Libertywill be released on Xbox and PlayStation this year.

Nintendo has confirmed that it will announce Switching “successors” this “fiscal year”. Some recent rumors have circulated about the expected release date, with developers apparently being told not to expect the system to launch around the same time.

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