
Box Art Brawl – Duel: Bravely Default

Be sure to cast your vote in the poll below; But first, let’s take a look at the box art designs.

North America/Japan

The original box art that North America adopted was said to be more reminiscent of Square Enix’s more abstract designs often used for classics. The ultimate illusion include. It features a fairy on a black background, and the Japanese variant amplifies this with a black 3DS border on the right. It’s a sophisticated, classy design that’s sure to turn heads and we love it.


Meanwhile, the ‘For a Sequel’ design is equally interesting in our book. It’s more colorful, featuring the game’s main cast of characters arranged on a grassy hill with the logo neatly hidden in the top left corner. Personally, we prefer the black trim featured on the Japanese variant; it looks cooler, you know? Either way, this will be a difficult choice.

Thanks for voting! See you next time for another round of Box Art Brawl.

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