
Civic Education Is Becoming a 21st Century Business Skill

July 4 is typically a day filled with food, festivities, and fireworks in the United States, as our country celebrates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. But the day also celebrates something else.

Independence Day is an opportunity for us to reflect on our country – the progress we have made and the work we still have to do to strengthen our democracy and community as we look to the future.

Like a successful business, democracy only works when all its parts work well. The very skills that shape this great experiment are the same skills that fuel the inspiration and innovation needed for breakthrough ideas and sustained economic growth. In other words, citizenship is a 21st-century business skill.

Critical thinking, problem solving, negotiation, curiosity, adaptability, risk-taking, and other so-called “soft skills” are increasingly being called “tough skills” because there is nothing soft about them. In fact, a recent survey by LinkedIn found that nine out of 10 global CEOs say they are more important than ever in the workplace.

Cooperation and risk sharing

In government, facilitating and making decisions requires people to work together. Whether it’s running a polling station on Election Day or serving on a city commission, the path to getting things done involves working with other people who may have opinions and ideas quite different from yours.

While our neighborhoods, churches, schools, and other places where we gather may be similar, at work we may encounter people who are different from us.

When team members with diverse perspectives and viewpoints can work together respectfully and effectively, organizations win. Companies and teams that master sustainability skills can be expected to deliver better employee morale, improved service or product quality, and increased innovation, to some names.

Conflict resolution and problem solving

Not understanding how government works prevents people from finding common ground on fundamental issues. This lack of understanding breeds division, frustration, and ultimately civility and an inability to communicate effectively with others, especially those who see the world differently.

Most Americans trust The tone of the country is uncivil (58%). However, when people have a common understanding of institutions and processes, they are better able to listen to others’ arguments and make strong arguments of their own. In doing so, they are better able to use reason to compromise and manage conflict.

Practice negotiation skills

Think about how laws are typically written: Some people have ideas for change. Others may disagree. In an ideal world, they discuss their differences, find common ground, and write laws that are informed by a variety of perspectives.

More and more managers concerned about the unwillingness to compromise and the inability of the group members to sit down and come to a consensus. According to many sources, our founders had very different views and argued fiercely. However, they were able to reach compromises that became the foundation of our nation.

Critical thinking training

Although sometimes annoying, jury duty is one of the most important ways for citizens to participate in our system of governance.

To be a good juror, you need to weigh evidence, question your preconceived notions, and ask good questions. These are the same critical thinking skills needed to make important organizational decisions.

Building leaders

Understanding and participating in how our government is run teaches us how to operate in complex systems, navigate change, and use good judgment and reason to achieve goals. In short, civic engagement builds leaders who can apply those skills in countless ways, including in the workplace.

Americans want employers to help build bridges, create healthier discussions, and increase collaboration in the communities they serve. Eighty-two percent of Americans trust that businesses can play a role in uniting the country, and nearly 75% of voters agree that businesses have a responsibility to protect our nation’s economic and environmental systems.

Businesses can take small but meaningful steps to promote civic engagement. For example, employers can offer their employees time off to serve as nonpartisan poll workers in local, state, and national elections, addressing a critical shortage across the United States. Or they can support employees who are selected to serve as jurors by providing resources to help them prepare for their duties. They can also provide educational experiences that re-introduce employees to the basics of civics, empowering them to learn more about how government works and how they can participate meaningfully. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation runs one such initiative to help employers improve the civic skills of their teams.

As we prepare to celebrate Independence Day, it is time for the business community to commit to improving civic education and workplace skills.

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