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  Critical Thinking Every day

      Critical thinking is a necessary skill in a world of information overload. You can find multiple different information sources on the internet or in the library about this skill. This skill is used every day and in most situations. during your rest, it also can be used especially if you are playing different games or gambling. You can try and test it on VIP casino rewards and try to win your first jackpot.  

     Nowadays, it becomes more difficult to navigate the flow of information. The risk of falling into cognitive traps and making wrong decisions is growing. We are going to share some information on how critical thinking helps in everyday life. And what prevents us from thinking critically and how to use it to solve various problems.

Critical Thinking

       The term “critical thinking” was introduced by the American philosopher John Dewey in 1910. True, more often he called it reflective thinking and characterized it as an active, unyielding, and careful consideration of any belief or information in the light of arguments and subsequent conclusions.

     By applying critical thinking, we can rely on reliable information, avoid manipulation, and make informed decisions. Thinking helps us to know the outside world and ourselves. We can do this in different ways: with the help of actions or images, intuition or analytics, logic, creativity, and criticism. There are many ways of thinking. Each of them in its own way helps us find answers to emerging questions and problems. Critical thinking offers a clear and orderly approach to life and helps solve even the most difficult problems. Therefore, sometimes we resort to it.

      Critical thinking is the ability of a person to question information, look at a problem from different angles, and as a result draw reasonable conclusions.

       In addition to the fact that critical thinking is a sought-after skill for everyday life and work, this skill has a positive effect on mental health. According to a study by the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, critical thinking is closely related to mental health: to strengthen it, scientists suggest paying special attention to the development of critical thinking in people.

     Our brains are constantly trying to solve problems with as little effort as possible, and critical thinking requires a lot of energy and concentration. Therefore, we do not always succeed in rational reasoning and making informed decisions. Sometimes we just rely on stereotypes, previous experience, and emotions. At such times, we fall into the traps of our own thinking.

 Many Different Mistakes Are Done

       We tend to make cognitive errors when there is not enough time to make decisions, there is too much information, or, conversely, not enough information. Then our brain unconsciously looks for ready-made patterns and answers from previous experience, but they are not always suitable.

      There are also mistakes that we make more consciously. These are incorrect reasoning and conclusions caused by a violation of logic, lack of evidence, or incorrect argumentation.

         If events and reasoning concern what is important to us, it becomes more difficult to think rationally. When our work is evaluated by the head, we defend the graduation project or the child performs at the matinee, we expect the highest marks. We know how much effort and time was spent, and we want to get approval, and we do not evaluate the result of the work without interrupting our emotions.

How to Use It? 

       Critical thinking is inherent in every person – we regularly use it, even if we do not think about it. To do this more consciously, let’s look at exactly how critical thinking works and how to apply it when working with information and in communication.

       The ability to separate facts from opinions and question statements allows you to notice the violation of logic and the lack of information.

      The ability to remain objective, consider arguments from different angles and analyze them helps to draw the right conclusions.

       The ability to put together facts and evidence and draw correct conclusions based on them is exactly what we need critical thinking for.

       To use critical thinking in communication, you need to be able to correctly argue your reasoning. The proof has a tripartite structure, and it is necessary to build it according to it.

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