
Donald Trump Calls Kamala Harris a ‘Whore’ Multiple Times: NYT

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump reported call his opponent Vice President Kamala Harris a “bitch” repeatedly, according to reports from New York Times based on two people who heard the remarks on separate occasions. Trump’s spokesman Steven Truong denied these statements, saying, “That is not the language President Trump used to describe Kamala” and “that is not how the campaign would describe her.”

However, Trump has used this gendered slur to talk about women or profited from its use throughout his career. And, he did not shy away from the language in 2016 when he ran for president. Hillary Clinton— lest we all remember “BEAT THAT BITCH” T-shirts filled his rallies. (The phrase also adorned bumper sticker, yard signAnd hot sauce bottle.)

At a rally in New Hampshire during that campaign, someone in the crowd retained a bumper sticker that read “TRUMP THAT BITCH,” and the then-candidate spotted it, stopping Trump in the middle of his speech.

“This could only happen at a Trump rally,” he said, after pointing, smiling and laughing at the crowd. Then, after mentioning the pushback he received after no correction for town hall attendees who stressed that the President Barack Obama is Muslim, Trump pointed at the man in the crowd.

“Sir, you are reprimanded, okay?” he said before throwing his arm up in the air in a dismissive gesture. “But, we’re not kicking him out, are we, guys?”

While there is no clear evidence of Trump using this misogynistic slur, it has been reported that he has been using it for some time.

In the present scandal Access Hollywood tape Since 2005, when Trump said he could “grab women by the genitals” and “do anything” to them because he was a “star,” he has also claimed that he tried to sleep with a married woman but failed, which left him frustrated.

“I went up to her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there,” Trump said of the woman, adding, “And then all of a sudden I see her, and she’s got these huge fake boobs and everything. She’s changed her whole look.”

A year later in 2006, Trump said he desire then Foreign Minister Condoleezza Rice is a “bitch,” according to reports from New York Daily News at the time and CNN fact-checked it in 2016.

“I wish she was a whore. I don’t care if she’s a lovely woman,” Trump said. “I want someone who can go and make deals. She goes to countries, but nothing happens. Except little words.”

During his final season as host of The Celebrity Apprentice before running for president, Trump shared A post from a Twitter viewer, now known as X, encouraged him to remove the former Miss USA Kenya Moore“Get rid of @KenyaMoore now @realDonaldTrump,” the post read. “She’s a whore no matter who she’s with.”

While in office, Trump reportedly called the then German chancellor Angela Merkel “that bitch” in an Oval Office meeting about NATO and the US relationship with Germany, according to Washington Post reporter Carol Leonnig And Philip Ruckerof 2021 book Only I can fix it. A Trump spokesman at the time refuse that the president made these remarks.

And, in the 2005 biography The Art of Being DonaldMr. Trump speak that his favorite part of the movie Pulp Fiction was when Samuel L. JacksonThe character “pulled out a gun in the diner and he told the guy to tell his girlfriend to shut up.” Trump later quoted current“Tell that bitch to calm down! Say ‘bitch to calm down’!”

Trump also likes to call men he believes have wronged him “sons of bitches,” throwing the phrase into a Florida Man who allegedly installed his assembly microphone poorly, NFL players protest racismNBC Chuck Toddsomeone may have tried to trick him When buying planes, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnelland President Joe Bidento name a few.

The news that Trump allegedly called Harris a “whore” multiple times came amid a string of insults the Republican candidate has used against his opponent. Harris “cannot do interviews,” he said. declaredbecause she is “barely competent.” “She’s not smart enough” to hold a press conference, Trump said.

And, to give one of his usual lines against both of them Hillary Clinton And vice presidentMr. Trump speak FOX & Friends said Wednesday he would debate Harris at some point, adding that he “heard she’s a pretty nasty person but not a good debater.”

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