
Donald Trump, the unhinged murderer, says police should rough up Americans during “Hard Hour” to stop theft

One of the most absurd lies peddled by MAGA Republicans is the idea that Donald Trump does not often advocate violence. They did it during his time in officethey did it after January 6and they did it, most recently, after two attempts on his life—while claiming that it was Actually Democracy eloquent leading to two men allegedly trying to assassinate him. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth, and the latest example tearing into their claims would be Trump’s call for police to violently attack Americans en masse to stop crime.

Speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania, the former president said the key to stopping crimes like shoplifting is state-sanctioned police beatings, which he lamented that “the left ” is not allowed. “You see these people walking out with air conditioners and refrigerators on their backs. The craziest thing,” Trump speak. “And the police are not allowed to do their job. It is said that, if you do anything, you will lose your pension…. They are not allowed to do that because the liberal left won’t let them do it. The liberal left wants to destroy them and they want to destroy our country.” Then he revealed his big idea: “If you have a really rough day…a rough hour, I mean reality rudely, the words will escape and will end immediately.”

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In his statement, Trump also lied declared a person can steal up to $950 worth of goods without consequences in California, which appears to both refer to Proposition 47—which downgraded some theft crimes to misdemeanors from felonies—and effort to tie the law to the then-California attorney general Kamala Harris. But like Politico notewhile Harris was in office when the ballot initiative passed, “she remained neutral on the issue.” Meanwhile, “the dollar threshold Trump mentioned had actually become law four years earlier, signed by the governor at the time. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican.”

After Trump’s remarks in Pennsylvania, a spokesman for his campaign absurdly declared that he was “clearly just hovering.” [police beatings] just kidding,” adding: “President Trump has always been the law and order President and he continues to reiterate the importance of enforcing existing laws. On the other hand, it is total anarchy, which is what Kamala Harris has created in several communities across America, especially during her time as attorney general when she encouraged crime.”

Of course, Trump is the only person currently running for president with a felony conviction. Meanwhile, the notion that he only cares about “law and order” is completely laughable because (1) he has calls for cutting funding to the DOJ and FBI and (2) prosecutors say January 6 used to be “the largest single-day, mass attack on law enforcement officers in our country’s history.” As for the suggestion that he was purely joking about that “really violent day,” that’s really not credible given his long history of calling for violence, a rap includes:

  • Confirm assaulting reporters
  • Tell the police officers hit the suspect’s head against the edges of their team’s cars
  • Reflect on “Second Modifier” prevents the appointment of liberal judges
  • Telling supporters about a man who was kicked out of one of his rallies, “I want to punch him in the face
  • Telling the crowd at one of his rallies, “If you see someone about to throw a tomato, get rid of themdo you want? Seriously, okay. Just knock on the door – I promise you I will pay the legal fees, I promise”
  • Pushed his supporters into a violent frenzy with months of lies regarding the 2020 election, leading to a violent attack on the Capitol that remains many people diedand him tried to justify by saying: “These are the incidents and events that occurred when a landslide election victory was blatantly and cruelly taken away from great patriots who were treated poorly and unjustly. for so long. Go home with love and in peace. Remember this day forever!”
  • Defending his supporters’ decision to chant, “hang Mike Pence
  • Calling for those accused of stealing to be prosecuted “shot” as they left the store

So maybe believe him when he says these things.

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