Government technology staff must protect projects for randomly Elon Musk Bros
Email reminds of an email that Musk sent early in his Twitter days, asking the staff to email a description of what they have completed last month and it is different from their goals. .
Instead of summoning with Shedd in these meetings, TTS employees instead were surprised to meet people they had never seen or worked with before.
It was a very confusing call because I was expected to meet you, and instead I met two people reluctant to identify myself, the staff of a TTS told Shedd in an open Slack channel, one of the one in The number one is rated by Wired. They did not see the information I sent in my form, so I tried to explain everything without the image/link I sent, one writer.
There is the same exact experience, another employee added. I personally had no idea about the Google model I sent and when I refer to it, I met.
In a slow message for TTS staff on Thursday morning to see Wired, Shedd apologized for the invitation to meet vague and sudden, and bring unnamed individuals in meetings with Gmail address. .
They used to be in the train to get the GSA laptop and the PIV card. I am completely responsible for the actions of each of them in calls. I asked them to start their first names and confirmed that they were advisers to me, Mr. Shed Shedd said in a screenshot of the Slack message wired.
Shedd told the staff that the people in the calls were considered by me, and were invited to call. He said they were physically present at him at the GSA headquarters, and he had all of them in the building. This implies that those who participate in calls currently have no official ID are released to the agency staff.
At least two of these individuals seem to be a Viking university student with a worrying A -uite site clearance, the TTS source told Wired. (The ground clearance of A -uite forces employees to enter the GSA administrator office.)
One said that they were put into assessment with Edward Cristine, a recent high school graduate student spent a few months at NeuralinkMusk’s brain computer interface, whom Wired previously identified as a person working in Human Resources Management Office (OPM) and report directly to his new chief of staff, former Xai Amanda Scales staff. He did not answer comments from Wired, and OPM declined to comment.
We do not have any additional personnel notice at this time. A GSA spokesman told Wired on Thursday.
It is typical for TTS workers to work in parallel with other government agencies, with many of their projects that contain data outside GSA and follow sensitive agreements. However, it is required to share specific technical achievements, which has made some employees afraid that they can violate these agreements.
The research team was right when they were worried about sharing details about other agencies in these calls and should continue to follow the usual instructions that did not share sensitive information, Mr. Shed Shedd wrote in GSA. Slack on Thursday. The view of these calls is to talk through interesting issues/winnings and learn about how that victory is done. A chance for you to brag about how you solve a problem.