
Gym usage exceeds pre-pandemic levels thanks to Gen Z

Have you been spending a lot of time at the gym lately waiting for an empty squat rack? Or maybe you regularly line up for your favorite treadmill––the one in the best TV viewing area?

A new report says you may not be alone.

ABC Fitnessopening ceremony Health monitoring report Q1 showed a 60% increase in bookings for traditional gyms in the first quarter of 2024 compared to 2023. Fitness studios and boutiques also saw a 22% increase in bookings year-on-year last.

Bill Davis, CEO of ABC Fitness, said: “People around the world are realizing the importance of exercise for their physical and mental health and we are now seeing days More and more people realize the social benefits.” Press Release about the report.

Enrollment data was strong in the first quarter of the year, with exercise goals usually comes first New year resolutions list.

But the report shows the fitness industry has also been more resilient since the pandemic, when gyms closed and home exercise businesses boomed. There are a total of 184 million gym registrations in the US alone, nearly double pre-pandemic levels.

The report combines findings from third-party U.S. consumer research combined with data from ABC Fitness’s ABC Ignite, ABC Glofox, ABC Evo and ABC Trainerize platforms, which the company said “provides provides a comprehensive view of fitness trends from every industry perspective.”

ABC Fitness said the Insights revealed in Q1 Wellness Watch depict global trends, drawing on data from 40 million members and 30,000 fitness businesses from January to March 2024, in more than 100 countries. family.

Here are other notable findings from the report.

Young people prioritize health

ABC Fitness says Gen Z is the most invested in their physical and mental health. 29% of new gym attendees are Gen Z, and 38% of Gen Z respondents use traditional health clubs.

Gen Z is more likely to seek out a personal trainer or coach (38%) than the general population (29%), although ABC Trainerize has seen an increase in personal training clients increased by 78% over the same period last year. They also scored higher in recreational sports and small group training. However, the majority of Gen Z respondents (68%) choose to exercise on their own.

Gen Z respondents said they typically spend between $21 and $69 per month on their fees. Additionally, more than half of Gen Z in the study (56%) track their workouts using wearables like Apple watches, Fitbits or other devices fitness trackerAccording to the report.

“Generation Z is more digitally connected than most other generations,” fitness trainer Kai Karttunen said in the report. “App-based workouts, gamified challenges and personalized data will all help connect with this audience.”

The gym has become the new “third place” for many people

Not only is exercising and going to the gym a part of many people’s routines, but it can also help people find community.

The report highlights that connecting with friends over health and fitness has helped gyms emerge as a popular “third place”: places people go outside of work, school and home to find community.

“The fitness industry is poised to help more people in more ways than ever as fitness businesses emerge as powerful community drivers,” said Davis.

Regardless of how gyms are being used, gym memberships and usage continue to increase and show how people are prioritizing their health and fitness.

“Global usage has increased nearly 90% compared to pre-pandemic levels. Now, we are seeing the focus shift to overall health,” Davis said in the report.

“Fitness businesses should recognize the growing demand for their services and the growing importance of healthy living in the lives of average consumers.”

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