
Handyman Saitou from the manga Another World shows the dangers of dungeons

The Saitou the Repairman in Another World Manga is not one to shy away from dangerous situations. In Tuesday And episode fourUltimately, we see life-threatening confrontations. But just as often more sincere or light-hearted moments between the characters too. Even in the famous labyrinth that all the adventurers are exploring. With episode 5 In the manga, we’re thrust right back into the actual dungeon adventure, and it serves as a stark reminder of how dangerous this place can be even to those familiar with it.

Editor’s Note: There will be some minor spoilers for some of the plot points in episode 5 of Saitou the Repairman in Another World comic.

First, I love how episode five of Saitou the Repairman in Another World starts, because it seems like Kazutomo Ichitomo realized, “Okay, we haven’t been here in a while. Let’s skip some of the lore.” It reintroduces the former demon lord’s labyrinth that’s now run by the government. This means we get to see how it works. It’s a good refresher, plus we get new information about the place. So there are three “entries” when someone goes inside, designed for different levels of difficulty. It also establishes how there are paid collectors who will go in and collect the bodies of the fallen to bring them back outside, where they can potentially be revived, and also establishes the notion that some people actually run businesses inside the dungeon proper.

It’s a fun reminder of the world-building Ichitomo does throughout Saitou the Repairman in Another World manga. We are constantly reminded of how things actually work. (Delicious in the dungeon(This is another series like that!) These side stories appear while pushing the story forward. So we’ll learn about how things work, about places, and about notable characters or organizations while our regular story continues.

Speaking of real life, episode 5 of Saitou the Repairman in Another World gives the opportunity to learn more about the characters and their relationships with this new adventure. After hearing about a golden-armored Dullahan roaming the area, Saitou’s group gets separated. Raelza ends up alone, with Saitou, Lafanpan, and Morlock deciding to go find her. This ties into other elements mentioned earlier in the manga, about adventurers getting separated or killed in dungeons. It begs the question of what would you do if you found yourself separated? Would you risk everyone’s safety for someone who might be dead?

This plot device means we get a chance to really see and appreciate how Saitou and Raelza feel about each other. In Saitou’s case, it’s his determination to move forward and find her. He’s driven to reunite with Raelza. Conversely, Raelza finds herself in a situation that exposes her feelings about Saitou. So we’re getting more concrete evidence of who they are to each other. Again, it’s handled in a great way that keeps it from feeling like a bunch of exposition being dumped on us. Ichitomo is showing us through actions and examples throughout, rather than using a few sentences to set things up.

More importantly, episode 5 of Saitou the Repairman in Another World continues to maintain the atmosphere and feel of the manga. It feels like we’re witnessing a part of the group’s lives. Nothing feels forced. It doesn’t feel forced. It doesn’t feel like we’re seeing some grand crusade put together. It’s a natural chronicle of the lives of ordinary adventurers, and I love how these stories come together.

Episode 5 of Saitou the Repairman in Another World now available and Yen Press will release the sixth episode on February 18, 2025.

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