
Melania Trump’s publisher asks CNN for $250,000 for interview about her book: Report

Melania Trump‘S memoir, Melania, will be announced next week, a notable event that qualifies her as both a former first lady and a possible future first lady. That means the media will want to cover the book and, if possible, they will arrange an interview with the author. For example, CNN reportedly reached out to Trump’s publicist two months ago to request an interview, and after “several conversations” about an interview, it seems like it might actually be possible. happens – if the organization is willing to spend a quarter of a million dollars.

Yes, CNN report last week, Trump’s publisher, Skyhorse Publishingemailed a document marked “Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement.” According to the news outlet, the agreement “sets out strict terms for an interview and use of material from the book” and “On top of that, the agreement stipulates that ‘CNN will pay a licensing fee of two hundred years fifty thousand dollars ($250,000).’” CNN reported, the document states that “the payment will be for an interview with a media company—CNN—as well as for licensing photographs photos and excerpts from the book.”

After a media reporter asked the company about the extremely unusual fee, the publisher said it was a mistake. “Neither Melania nor anyone on her team had any knowledge of the NDA, and the document submitted reflects an internal miscommunication,” Skyhorse’s president and publisher told CNN. “If CNN signs an NDA, in the ordinary course of business we will approach Melania’s team to discuss this matter. [specifics of the interview].”

As CNN notes, it is by no means standard practice for a public figure to be paid for an interview — especially one who is the spouse of a political candidate — and newsrooms which “tends to have strict guidelines against” doing so. And while Skyhorse insisted that the former first lady knew nothing about the request, the original requester happened to be in the same ballpark of fees she had previously paid:

Last month, CNN revealed that the former first lady spoke at two political fundraisers for Log Cabin Republicans this year and that she was paid $237,500 for an event in April, according to the former president . Donald TrumpThe Payments’ latest financial disclosure form is listed as a “talking commitment.”

Records show that Melania Trump was also paid $250,000 for one [Log Cabin Republicans] event in December 2022, one of three payments of $250,000 or more she received for speaking that month, shortly after the former president announced he would run for reelection, according to financial disclosure forms Donald Trump’s last year.

Regarding the $250,000 request sent to CNN, journalist Kate Andersen Brower, author of The First Lady: The Grace and Power of America’s Modern First Ladies, told the outlet, “It’s completely unprecedented. No former first lady has ever done that.”

Paying for an interview “encourages the subject to change what they are saying to make it more valuable to the organization, to exaggerate or sensationalize,” Kelly McBride, Craig Newmark, senior vice president and chair of the Center for Ethics and Leadership at the Poynter Institute, told CNN. “Your goal when interviewing people is to get their point of view so you can get closer to the truth and whether they have some motive for distorting that you are disappointing your audience.” She added, “It is highly doubtful that the spouse of a political figure would want to be paid for something.”

A spokesperson for Melania Trump declined CNN’s request for comment.

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