
Random: Game director Masahiro Sakurai reveals his daily work routine

Masahiro Sakurai's work schedule
Image: via YouTube / Masahiro Sakurai

When growing on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is finally over, fans are relieved that the game’s director Masahiro Sakurai will be able to take a break and rest for a bit.

Even though that was what we expected, it seems like this living legend didn’t make it. Actually Had a proper vacation. Even though his schedule is “spacious for several months at a time” and this is a rare opportunity for him to recharge, he remains “very busy” between big projects.

In his last video, he outlines what a typical day is like with a YouTube channel in the mix. It involved him waking up “around 8am” and working until 6:30pm on his “game project”. He also doesn’t often have time to take a lunch break and start work on his channel’Create games‘ around 8pm every night, working until late at night.

Masahiro Sakurai's work schedule
Image: via YouTube / Masahiro Sakurai
Masahiro Sakurai's work schedule
Image: via YouTube / Masahiro Sakurai

Previously during his time on his YouTube channel, Sakurai also had to deal with late-night letters from the company that helps him create his videos (Hike). As we mentioned beforeHe often doesn’t sleep until around 2 a.m. and also has to work with the company ‘8-4’ on translation for his English channel.

Luckily, he’s now focusing on his next project, and once again – all those YouTube videos were filmed over two years ago.

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