
Review: Tales From Toyotoki Makes You Support the Kids

When you meet some people, even virtual ones, you can find yourself hoping for the best for them. Maybe because of who they are. Maybe because of what they’re facing. Tales of Toyotoki: The Witch’s Appearance is one such game, partly because of the personalities of the two main characters Hikaru Nishime and Lilun and the situations that make you hope they will achieve their goals and grow.

Hikaru is an orphan. His aunt and her family adopted him after his parents died. However, when he was supposed to start high school, he was instead sent to a small island with less than 1,000 inhabitants to live with a grandfather he barely knew. Worse, when he got there, he discovered that his grandfather had disappeared. He had arrived on another continent, and Hikaru’s aunt didn’t even enroll him in classes at his new high school. After being forced to sleep in a sugarcane field on his first night, he meets a mysterious young woman who also came to Toyotoki Island, who is also lonely and has also been abused in the past. The two eventually work together to survive and in doing so find new places for themselves and ways to achieve their goals. This also leads to them meeting other islanders and becoming closer as they also mature as individuals.

Review: Tales From Toyotoki Makes You Support the Kids
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So, the first thing you should know when joining Stories from Toyotoki is that this is a dynamic novel, and not the kind of visual novel where you’re making decisions. Yes, there will be times when Akari Akatsumi will make it seem like you have a choice about the path you take or what you do. You don’t have a choice. So people looking for the ability to influence outcomes or a little more interaction won’t find that here.

However, that doesn’t mean you should give up or ignore it. Stories from Toyotoki. This is a situation where that focus works in the story’s favor. The official description for it mentions that it’s a coming-of-age story and a story of self-discovery, and the linear nature means that Fragaria really focuses entirely on that element. There are no distractions. We’re seeing 100% of how the main characters and other individuals develop as people.

I especially appreciated how while everyone got their time in the spotlight and developed, it was really Hikaru and Lilun who got the most attention. The mystery behind Lilun’s background was handled well, and I appreciated how it didn’t push too hard for immediate answers and revelations. Likewise, I liked how things were never just cut and dried or immediately resolved for Hikaru. Even when he did progress a little, he never got an easy answer or immediate redemption.

How the two play off each other is also a big part of the story. Hikaru and Lilun both have their own areas of expertise. On their own, they wouldn’t get very far. But we constantly see how they help each other, improve, and get closer to completing the things they need to do to grow as individuals or achieve their desires.

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Stories from ToyotokiThe art direction and voice acting also help sell the premise. We’re experiencing life on a small island, thanks to Hikaru’s perspective. The art direction and character designs are also quite quirky. It feels rustic and cozy. The voice acting is also good, with the cast fitting the scene. Especially when it comes to Lilun and Akari. I did notice a few awkward lines. (For example, one of the first lines is “The person I was supposed to live with has disappeared without a trace.”) But those instances are rare and don’t detract from the overall experience.

Tales from Toyotoki: The Witch’s Appearance feels designed to keep you engrossed in the events of Hikaru and Lilun’s lives as they face the odds stacked against them. Each of their victories is also a victory for the reader. It takes time to show how these young people grow and find their footing, and it’s great to see them succeed.

Tales from Toyotoki: The Witch’s Appearance available on Nintendo SwitchPS5 and Computer.


Tales from Toyotoki: The Witch’s Appearance

Hikaru finds himself down on his luck and homeless on an unfamiliar island. While avoiding vipers and angry high-ranking committee members, he stumbles upon a witch in a very similar situation. The two set out to survive and hope to thrive on Toyotoki, an island firmly cut off from the modern world, steeped in ancient traditions and shrouded in mystery. Switch version reviewed. Review copy provided by the company for testing purposes.

Tales from Toyotoki is designed to keep you engrossed in the events of Hikaru and Lilun’s lives as they face various challenges.

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