
Rod Stewart teases David Beckham about not being knighted in front of King Charles

Stop us if you’ve heard this before: King Charles III, Rod StewartAnd David Beckham enter a palace…

Oh, wait, that actually happened. On Tuesday evening, Charles presided over the King’s Foundation’s inaugural awards ceremony at St. James, celebrates the work of the charity he founded in 1990. Other notable attendees include Sienna Miller, Naomi Campbell, Edward Ennifuland more.

Rocker Stewart, who was knighted by the late Queen Elizabeth in 2016, spoke on stage at the gala, making the audience laugh with his banter with attendees, including a nudge in Newly appointed King’s Foundation Ambassador Beckham.

Coins [Lancaster] and I am honored to be an ambassador for the King’s Trust,” Stewart said, before being corrected by his wife Penny about the group’s real name. “Organization, I’m sorry. Also, I am extremely honored to become a Knight and David, you are about to become a Knight too.”

Beckham, former captain of the England national football team and chronicler of his wife Victoria Beckham‘S old family car And Spice Girls reunionwas awarded an OBE, Order of the British Empire, in 2003. Victoria is also an OBE as of 2017.

According to the UK MirrorStewart told reporters that he was joking when he learned that David Beckham was acceptable.

“Someone has to lighten the mood in the room, you know – he’s a good sport,” he said.

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