
Surprise: RFK Jr. used to sell bottled water with extremely high Fluoride content

Not long ago Donald Trump nominated Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to serve as Secretary of Health and Human Services, the former third-party candidate told NBC, “I think fluoride is going to be phased out. I think the faster it gets out, the better.” Kennedy wanted to remove fluoride from tap water because, despite the fact that it was supposed to keep people’s teeth and bones intact, he unfounded trust This mineral is considered “an industrial waste linked to arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, reduced IQ, neurodevelopmental disorders and thyroid disease.” That makes it pretty, pretty, pretty enriching to know that not only did Kennedy once sell bottled water containing fluoride, but the product sold by his company was almost double The amount of fluoride is recommended by the EPA and exceeds the amount typically found in tap water.

Correct, New Yorker report that in 1999, Kennedy and a partner founded Keeper Springs bottled water, which put aside the fluoride issue, which is ironic, since he was on a mission to clean up polluted waterways. infection with its nonprofit Waterkeeper Alliance. As a professor of hydrogeology and water resources management at Oregon State University later noted in a report. blog post titled “Waterkeeper Alliance Bottled Water,” the “negative aspects” of the product Kennedy was selling included “plastic bottles. Expense. Transportation costs and greenhouse gas emissions. Weakens support for public water systems. And so on.” Another awkward detail: Theo New Yorker, one of Keeper Springs’ bottlers and distributors was Nestlé, which “allegedly exceeded its annual allotment.” [in San Bernardino National Forest] more than fifty-four million gallons,” or “more than one million bathtubs.”

As for fluoride, which Kennedy pursued with almost as much fervor as he did for safe and effective childhood vaccines:

According to a 2009 chemical analysis, Kennedy’s bottled water contains fluoride. This analysis determined that each serving of Keeper Springs contains up to 1.3 milligrams of minerals per liter. That’s a higher concentration than most tap water.

Here’s where things get even more ironic: While real medical professionals Agree that consuming too much fluoride over a long period of time can cause health problems—including lower IQ levels in children—many organizations say there is no risk at levels recognized by the EPA. Recommended environment. That’s 0.7 milligrams of fluoride per liter of drinking water, which is close half about what was allegedly found in Kennedy’s bottled water. (Kennedy’s spokesman declined Vanity fairrequest for comment.) Last month, New York Times reports that “a recent analysis by the federal government’s National Toxicology Program found that fluoride levels were at or above 1.5 milligrams per liter—more than twice the EPA’s recommended level—’ associated with lower IQ in children.'”

Anyway, follow Chris Bartle, Keeper Springs co-founder Kennedy doesn’t seem to care about fluoride in the water they’re selling. “I’ve never heard it mentioned,” he said New Yorker.

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