
Texas’s “pro-life” abortion law has actually led to more infant deaths

Anti-abortion advocates talk big talk about protecting the “sanctity of life,” but in reality don’t care about life at all – not about the lives of mothers, but they think nothing of taking away the children they force pregnant women to carry. to term. The most recent example of this hypocrisy? A new study finds that infant mortality increased in Texas following a near-total ban on abortion.

In Monday, research published in JAMA Pediatrics magazine disclosure that in 2022, the year after the Texas Heartbeat Act took effect, infant mortality rose nearly 13%, compared with a nearly 2% increase in the rest of the United States. The state’s birth defect death rate rose 22.9% — compared with a decline of about 3% nationally — likely due to a Texas law banning abortion after six weeks, which was long before when tests are performed to detect fetal abnormalities. Alison Gem Factory, the head of the research, speak United States today, “It just points out some of the devastating consequences of abortion bans that people may not have thought about when they passed these laws” — a statement that certainly gives the lawmakers too much credit. anti-abortion law. Wendy Davis, a senior adviser to Planned Parenthood Texas Votes, pointed out that because the study only looked at 2022—not the years after the reversal of Roe v. Wade, as more states enact abortion bans—“the actual situation today is very [likely] even more disastrous.”

What do people who call themselves “pro-life” think about all this? Not much—and sure not that they should rethink how their policies have had terrible consequences for countless real living people.

In a statement, a spokesman for Texas governor Greg Abbott said the Heartbeat Act has helped “thousands of children have a chance at life.” Amy O’Donnell, a spokesperson for the Texas Coalition for Life, said United States today, “We make no apologies for the fact that we do not support discrimination against children with disabilities or the diagnosis of intrauterine or extrauterine death. And that is a line that we believe should not be crossed.” She did not comment on the fact that Texas’s law causes unimaginable trauma to people forced to give birth to children they know will not survive, only to watch them die.

The Donald Trump campaign—their candidate regularly bragged about killing people Roe v. Wade—appeared to have no comment on the news. Again, earlier this month, Trump speak a group that wants abortion”completely deleted” that he knows “where you come from” and pledges, “I will be with you, side by side.”

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