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The ‘remarkable’ way flight attendants show gratitude to frequent flyers

As we were preparing to land at Orlando International Airport (MCO) in recent times Delta Airlines On the flight, a friendly flight attendant gave me and a few other passengers a card with a handwritten thank you note on the back. I had never received a thank you note like that before, nor did I know they existed. I immediately texted my trusted co-worker and frequent flyer Clint Henderson to gain more understanding.

He told me that it was rare to receive a handwritten thank you note from a flight attendant and that I should keep it as a souvenir. I felt lucky after earning SkyMiles Silver Medal status got me a free last-minute Comfort+ upgrade for my two-hour flight to Orlando. But I Actually feel like a VIP after receiving this sweet message.

The reporter in me immediately wanted to learn more about these elusive notes. Here’s what I found out.

Go extra SkyMile


When I asked my colleagues and TPG Lounge Facebook group members, I received dozens of responses Other passengers have received handwritten notes from flight attendants over the years. Often, flight attendants use these notes to acknowledge a customer’s loyalty to the airline or as a perk of flying in business or first class.

Some respondents said the notes they received thanked them for being elite member. Even though they have upgraded like me or they paid outright (cash or miles), most also said they were sitting in first class when they were given the money. on the day i received the money, i only saw flight attendants handing out money to passengers in first class or comfort+.

Some passengers find notes waiting for them on their seats when they board, but others, like me, receive their notes near the end of the flight. In my case, we encountered turbulence, so there was no in-flight service. While this is just speculation, I suspect the flight attendants used the extra time to write a few thank you notes.

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One flight attendant responded to the post saying that he prefers to thank passengers in person rather than handing them a handwritten note; several passengers said they had experienced this as well. One passenger who has been a Delta SkyMiles member for more than 40 years and has flown more than 2 million miles shared that flight attendants occasionally stop by his seat to thank him.

Whether it’s a note or a friendly “thank you” and a handshake, most respondents said they’ve only received this kind of kindness a handful of times. If you ever find yourself among them, know that it’s a rare treasure.

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It’s not all about elite status.

While it’s nice to be recognized for your loyalty to a particular airline, that’s not the only reason flight attendants recognize you during a flight.

After talking about how much she loves rice cakes while chatting with a flight attendant in the kitchen of an aircraft Japan Airlines Flight, TPG Senior Writer Katie Genter received the note and gift pictured below. The flight attendant took the time to draw a lovely picture of Katie and her husband and gave them—what else—some rice cakes and mixed snacks from the flight.

TPG Senior Director Gabe Travers received a note from a flight attendant for a very different — and much less pleasant — reason. After dealing with a lengthy delay on the outbound leg of an international trip, he had an apology note waiting for him on his seat when he boarded his flight back to the U.S. Flight delays and cancellations occurBut you will feel relieved knowing that the airline sympathizes with your situation.


Others have received a note from a flight attendant when they fly on their birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion. Some have even received a bottle of wine or other gift along with their note. Some responses have been even more surprising.

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One woman, a self-confessed nervous passenger, shared that she always introduced herself to crew members and visited them on the flight deck before takeoff to reassure them. Because they naturally knew her from their conversations, she and her husband received several notes over the years and even champagne on their anniversary.

Several participants in the Facebook group said they regularly bring snacks or Starbucks gift cards to the crew and occasionally receive a thank you note.

But my advice is to not expect this rare gesture. Thoughtful acts like this are special because they are unexpected. When you start expecting random acts of kindness, you lose the very thing that makes them special.

Last line

When one flight attendant Taking the time to acknowledge your loyalty or to mark an important occasion makes your trip more special. Whether I receive a handwritten note or not, I always Thank you to the flight attendants for their hard work and kindness, and I hope you do too.

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