
The Zelda-themed Nintendo Switch Lite ‘Hyrule Edition’ launches this September

'Hyrule Edition' Nintendo Switch Lite
Image: Nintendo

Appears briefly at the end of today’s announcement for The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of WisdomNintendo has revealed the brand new Switch Lite ‘Hyrule Edition’ console will launch alongside the game on the day September 26, 2024.

This might be the most eye-catching design out of all the Switch Lite special editions. The ‘Hyrule Edition’ console has a gorgeous yellow case reminiscent of that sweet GBA SP model or Link between worlds 3DS XL, with the Hylian badge proudly displayed on the underside.

The face buttons are classy black, and we especially love the tiny Triforce detail below the right analog stick.

This special edition console will also come with a 12-month subscription to Nintendo Switch Online, so you can try some of that out. new title was also announced in today’s Direct.

To be honest, we were a little in love. You can get a closer look at the design in the following photos from Nintendo:

What a way to play Echoes of Wisdom, isn’t it? The newly announced 2D adventure finally sees Princess Zelda behind the wheel for the first time in the series’ history. Armed with the new Trirod engine, the gameplay looks unlike anything we’ve seen from the series before, focusing more on puzzles than combat.

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