
Trump has made a small profit from the Trump-branded Bible, aka his “Favorite Book.”

Despite a long history of engaging in behavior that many Christians might object to—from blasphemy ARRIVE lie adulteryDonald Trump convinced a not small number of followers that he was the second Christ or, at least, anointed by GodAnd it was probably those people who rushed to buy the Trump-branded Bibles that the former president began selling last year, making him a tidy profit that made the tycoon smile.

Yes, as new release financial disclosures, Trump has so far made $300,000 from branded Bibles that sell for $59.99 each, or $1,000 for one signed by him. The former president has started throw the ball Bible in March, telling his followers, “Happy Holy Week! Let’s get America praying again. As we head into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to pick up a copy of the God Bless the USA Bible.”

In June 2020, as racial justice protests erupted across the country, including in Washington, DC, Trump posed for a photo in front of a church, holding up a Bible. When asked by a reporter, “Is that your Bible?” the then-president has answered“Its One The Bible.” (Photo) is supposed to Ivanka Trumpidea of.)

Not long before, in an interview, he declined to quote his favorite Bible verses, saying, “I don’t want to go into that because it’s very personal to me… The Bible means a lot to me but I don’t want to go into the details.” When asked if he was “an Old Testament or a New Testament person,” he replied, “Probably… equally. I think it’s just an amazing thing… the whole Bible is an amazing thing—I’m joking, a lot, they always keep it The Art of Trading, I said, ‘my second favorite book of all time.’”

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