
Trump tells women they won’t have to worry about abortion while he’s president

Donald Trump, try to approach women who are really interested in how he will go further destroy reproductive rights in his second term, declaring this week that he is their “protector” and that under his watch they “will no longer consider abortion.” This has somehow become creepy, childish, And a unique stupid view on abortion. a real trifecta!

Speaking at a demonstration On Monday night in Pennsylvania, Trump speak crowd, “I always thought women liked me. I never thought I had a problem. But the fake news keeps saying women don’t like me. I don’t believe it. You know why? They like strong borders. They like to be safe.” He then told the women present, “You will no longer be in danger. You will no longer have to worry about all the problems our country has today. You will be protected and I will be your protector. Women will be happy, healthy, confident and free. You will no longer think about abortion.”

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There’s a lot to unpack here, starting with the idea that women are “free” if the guy federal abortion rights returned to power. It was then announced that women would be “protected” by a man who was found responsible last year for sexual abuse and defamation of womenand have one long history belong to misogynistic. (Remember when he replied Taylor Swift donate Kamala Harris is to declare “I hate TAYLOR SWIFT!” to his followers? You should, since this happened less than two weeks ago.)

But mostly it’s the bizarre assertion that women will “no longer think about abortion” with him as president, because what does that really mean? Perhaps it has to do with Trump’s attempt to tie immigration to rape—like him did for many years—and somehow suggests that under his harsh immigration policies, rape and pregnancy resulting from rape will no longer happen. This, once again, shows how little he knows about women and why abortion rights matter.

As non-Trumpers know, there are many, much reasons a person might “consider abortion”—reasons that have nothing to do with being raped* by the people he says are destroying this country. Has Trump stopped ectopic pregnancies from happening? Has he found a cure for fatal fetal abnormalities? Has he made child care affordable so that a person who already has children can afford to have more children?** Has he eradicated rape not just by the immigrants he demonizes but by people born in this country? Can he single-handedly prevent all sperm from fertilizing unwanted eggs?

In a statement released by New York Times, A Harris campaign spokesperson said of Trump’s statement, “women know better. He’s trying to tell us what to think and what we care about. We’re going to vote like our lives depend on it this November.”

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