
Video: Digital Foundry gives tech verdict on Ace Combat 7 for Switch

The guys at Digital Foundry have now provided an in-depth look at the technology involved in the Switch port, highlighting some of the shortcomings needed to get the game running properly.

First, the foliage has been understandably affected, with grass looking more patchy, fewer trees growing, and shadows being removed when compared to the Xbox game. Reflections have also been changed, and lighting isn’t quite as realistic, making some areas, like the cockpit view, look a little flat at times.

Resolution has also been slightly reduced, of course, while effects like motion blur seem to be absent on the Switch. However, DF stresses that the visuals on the Switch are generally pretty good, and it’s only when compared to other platforms that you start to notice the concessions.

In terms of framerate, the Switch version is locked at 30fps, and despite DF’s efforts, the team couldn’t find many drops, with only one instance of the plane crashing into terrain causing any noticeable lag. In comparison, the Xbox game is targeted at 60fps, but rarely hits that, resulting in an experience that’s actually much more choppy than on the Switch.

Overall, we have to say that Bandai Namco did a great job with this game!

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