
Donald Trump dismisses Kristi Noem’s story of killing puppies, asserting “She’s wonderful”

Donald Trump finally considered Kristi Noem‘S The story of killing dogs (and goats), and his take on the situation? That she’s a wonderful woman going through a rough patch and a ghostwriter is probably responsible for the whole thing.

Talk to the radio host Travis Clay And Buck Sexton, Trump addressed the backlash Noem has received: “Sometimes you make a book and someone else writes a book, and you might not read it carefully. You know, you also have ghost writers. They help you. And in this case, they don’t help much. Now, she’s amazing. Look, she’s been my supporter since day one. She did a great job as governor…I thought she was wonderful. Some of the stories are difficult to understand, there’s no question about it, and when it’s explained, the story about the dog—you know, people hear that and people from different parts of the country can feel Seems a little different, but it’s a difficult story. But she is a wonderful person. She’s had a bad week. We all have bad weeks.”

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Noem, for those who may have missed it, revealed in her new book, Don’t come back, that she shot and killed her family’s 14-month-old dog as well as a goat. While the governor of South Dakota has declared to fall victim to “fake news,” she in fact chose to not only include the story in the book but also go into great, macabre detail about it. And though she emphasized that people would feel better about this anecdote if they were real read book, she is said to have appeared even worse in full context. Indeed, those who read it to decide for themselves also got to see the part where Noem strangely suggested she wanted kill Joe Bidendog’s.

One thing readers of No turning back maybe will not is considered a completely fabricated story about Noem meeting the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un when she was a congresswoman. That story has since been deleted, with Noem claiming she asked for it to be taken down as soon as she “knew” about it. She does, though refuse to admit The meeting never happened.

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