
Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD offers more than just a Hi-Def upgrade

As well as PJ’s comments below, check out Alex’s views on the game in his hands-on preview video

There’s always been something very emotional, very tangible about the Luigi’s Mansion experience. We guess, it mostly comes down to the choices these scariest heroes make as far as tiptoeing and panicking around the levels. He moves differently, more animatedly and with more purpose than your average game protagonist, and the world around him is designed to fit this more methodical and careful style.

The haunted houses here are filled with all sorts of objects and interactive objects in the environment to investigate, open, suck on your Poltergust 5000, or stun with a blast from your Strobulb. It creates a world that always feels great to move around as you hunt for ghosts and well-hidden treasures. That’s also an aspect of the original Luigi’s Mansion 2 feel most improved by this HD rewatch; with a level of detail in the animations and environments that makes sucking up every last coin, vampire, and gem back feels amazing.

It’s not Actually take Luigi’s Mansion 2 HDOf course, its upgrades for the fun here, and having played through the OG on 2DS before getting our hands on this revamp, this remains one of our all-time favorite Nintendo games , a game that has stood the test of time very well. However, once you’ve spent some time with these new skins, along with some Switch-focused improvements to the gameplay, it’s hard to go back to the original Next Level Games.

The complete graphical overhaul is clearly aimed at bringing 2013’s 3DS product more in line with 2019. Luigi’s Mansion 3and the developers have done a fantastic job breathing new life into each of the rooms we’ve explored so far in the opening two areas. We won’t spoil any of the little details that were added as you investigated, but there To be some new surprises – and everything seems so great, excellent, wonderfull Currently. We were pleasantly surprised that when we entered some of the larger rooms early on, the battles looked brilliant—HD rumble does some top-notch work in this regard—and overall, if you don’t know better, you will think this is a much more modern game than it actually is. Thanks for the update, Captain Obvious.

Looking back at the screen from the original, it’s remarkable how much jaggies we were willing to put in back in the day, and in some of the original areas – the garage is a good example here – the details Background textures that were a blurry mess in 2013 are now rendered with stunning sharpness and clarity. It helps that we have fancy lens lighting and shadow effects, shiny floors, flashing lights and all that cool stuff and these new details help Luigi now feel Feel more responsive than ever when driving. Just look at the two photos of the garage below, the left is from 2013 and the right shows how much more legible things are circa 2024. This is quite a big upgrade!

If we have problems with the original Luigi’s Mansion and this next part, is that sometimes it can be a little tricky aiming around, aiming your vacuum into corners or above you, and fighting against multiple enemies can be a little…well.. .the result is sometimes frustrating. All of this is much better now, partly thanks to the ease of seeing things move with the massive graphics/resolution upgrade, but also because Luigi moves more smoothly and freely, making you Spinning on the spot or directing your anger at a specific ghost is much easier to do.

Maybe it’s just the Switch’s sticks (more likely it’s all the new animations, let’s face it), but now turning around in a tight spot feels much better. Importantly – you can also switch between omnidirectional or landscape controls for Luigi and adjust the sensitivity of the fishing stick if needed, and the game includes a gameplay guide with helpful videos if you need anything. Any coaching tips?

We lose the signature dual DS screen, which is no surprise, but the alternative is here, pull up the personalized DS to enter the new map screen (accompanied by a small map in upper right corner during normal play, can be switched off), is a good alternative that feels clean and clear in use so far. We’re still early in this revamped adventure as things stand, but any concerns about navigation becoming more complicated or spending more time in menus can be addressed , because everything here feels very smooth and easy to use.

So with better readability in the environments, completely new character models with many new animations, improved controls, effective use of HD rumble in battles, additional features Gyro aiming and lots of little surprises and emotions as you move around the environments, this so far looks like a nice treat. It’s not reinventing any wheels, it doesn’t feel like it necessary that way — it’s still the same game, which is a good thing! – and you should definitely still prepare for a puzzle-oriented adventure that’s much slower than any of Luigi’s platforming adventures if you’re new to the franchise, but we’re Excited to continue my gameplay. This is an 11 year old game that’s still full of charm and atmosphere, even before the developers started modernizing things.

Here are some more displays to keep you busy as we wait for the full experience on June 27!

Are you looking forward to jumping into Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD? Have you played it before or is this your first time? Let us know in the comments!

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