
Simple JRPG influences turned Pokemon into a phenomenon

Game Freak and by Nintendo Pokemon The series is nothing more than a cultural juggernaut, dominating television, movies, merchandise, etc. However, amid the success of the franchise, it’s easy to overlook Pokemon The original series is a simple but innovative JRPG.

At its core, Pokemon started out as a small JRPG with a big impact, taking heavily from other famous games in the genre to create something both familiar and revolutionary. For example, the gameplay mechanics and its core concepts take inspiration from titles such as Shin megami tensei series. (Original Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei debuted on the Famicom in 1987, while Shin megami tensei began in 1992 on the Super Famicom.) In Shin megami tenseithe player recruits demons to fight alongside them, just as the trainer captures and fights them. Pokemon. Both games emphasize the importance of building a diverse team to tackle different challenges.

Shin Megami Tensei’s Demon recruitment involves negotiating with demons, each of whom possesses unique skills and attributes. Pokemon has similar mechanics, although this JRPG series simplifies the idea by focusing on catching wild Pokémon using Poke Balls. The essence remains the same. Collecting a variety of creatures is necessary to progress in the game.

Image via Atlus

However, the difference is noticeable. While Shin megami tensei often exploring darker themes and complex stories, Pokemon Take a simpler, family-friendly approach. Playstyle of Pokemon emphasizes exploration and the joy of discovery, encouraging players to “catch them all” and form bonds with their Pokemon. This collection aspect, combined with a much more vibrant world, has created Pokemon can reach a wider audience. This, of course, laid the foundation for its broad appeal.

Another significant influence came Pokemon To be The ultimate illusion series, especially in terms of party building. In tradition The ultimate illusion game, players assemble a party from a list of characters with specific roles and abilities. Pokemon takes this concept and amplifies it exponentially.

Instead of a party of a few predetermined characters like in other JRPGs, Pokemon The series begins by providing the player with a roster of 151 creatures for the player to capture and train. (It’s a number that has increased significantly over the years). This huge selection allows for unprecedented flexibility and personalization in team building, as well as making each player’s journey completely unique. Even with longtime fans, players are still finding new ways to progress in the game using new groups of Pokemon.

Screenshot of King Moogle Mog in FFXIV.
Image via Square Enix

More than that, Final Fantasy’s Turn-based combat system can be seen in Pokemon Combat mechanics, albeit simplified. Each turn, players choose actions for their Pokemon. You can attack, apply status effects, use and equip, or switch to another character. The combat is simple but there’s room for a surprising amount of strategy and advanced gameplay. Add the strengths and weaknesses of the elements in a “rock, paper, scissors” style, like Shin Megami Tensei’s Magic system, ensuring that battles are engaging at every level.

Pokemon has created its niche by combining these elements into an attractive and accessible package. The game’s premise inherently offers a simple yet compelling goal. Become a Pokemon Master by traveling around the world, catching Pokemon and defeating Gym Leaders. Its turn-based battles, exploration, and creature collection were a perfect fit for the Game Boy, making it an instant hit.

Which Pokemon Paldea do you like the most?
Image via The Pokemon Company

Then there’s what Game Freak took it upon themselves to enhance Pokemon From a fun JRPG to a phenomenon. The ability to trade and battle Pokemon with friends added a social aspect to the game, encouraging community and competition. The feature has grown into a robust competitive scene, complete with tournaments and world championships, showcasing Pokemon’s unique combination of strategy and accessibility. I can’t even name another JRPG with a competitive setting, let alone the level and level of Pokémon interaction.

While Pokemon Its beginnings as a humble JRPG are often overlooked, but they form the foundation of the entire franchise. It’s hard to ignore that though Pokemon also in the right place at the right time, it could fail if it doesn’t pay homage to what came before. Pokémon’s success story is proof that simple JRPG influences, when combined well, can create something truly extraordinary.

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