
Trump preaches the Gospel of discontent at heated post-conviction rally

Marjorie Taylor GreeneHer standing in the MAGA world has been a bit shaky lately because of her failed attempt oust the speaker Mike Johnson despite Donald Trumpwarnings. A way to get back in his good graces? Compare him to Jesus Christ, as she did during the Las Vegas protest on Sunday. “The Democratic Party and the fake news media want to constantly talk about ‘Oh, President Trump is a convicted felon,’” Georgia representative brag for protesters. “Oh, you want to know something? The man I worship was also a convicted criminal—and he was murdered on a Roman cross!”

That introduction set the tone for Trump’s first major post-conviction campaign event, which featured rhetoric as hot as hundred-plus-degree desert temperatures on Sunday. Indeed, if this is Trump’s church, he preaches a gospel of discontent, attacking many targets — but especially immigrants, whom he accuses of having “changed change the structure of our country”.

Trump: “We will not let them destroy our country” told supporters, as he tries to both attract the Latino vote in the swing state, where he leads in the polls, and try to defeat his opponents from the right. Trump said about the President: “What he signed was bullshit” Joe BidenThe recent US executive order on immigration has been criticized by some Democrats as being too harsh and by Republicans as not being harsh enough.

“Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit,” the pro-Trump crowd chanted in response.

It is familiar demagoguery from Trump, who has sought to make the border a decisive issue of the 2024 race. “All we see today is a wannabe dictator is spewing his trademark hatred towards our community,” Maca CasadoBiden campaign’s Hispanic communications director, speak Sunday. And yet, polling shows there is an audience receptive to his tough approach to immigration: 70% of registered voters watch CBS News survey released Sunday said they believe border crossings will decline under Trump, and about 60% expressed support for the type of mass deportation program the former president has proposed. Biden’s own restrictive executive order also received significant bipartisan support in the poll. But Trump and his allies continue to paint Biden as “weak” on the issue: “It doesn’t work,” Trump said of the executive order, lamenting to the Nevada crowd that the state had become become a “dumping ground” for migrants.

Trump has painted a dark picture of the country — as one suffering an “invasion” at the border — and claimed that he and his supporters are being targeted by Democrats. unfair way. Convicted on January 6, the rebels were both “combatants” and “victims” Trump said, argued that he had personally been “prosecuted… for no reason at all.” “They opened up a whole new box,” Trump said of his conviction and the three other indictments. “They weaponized the Department of Justice.”

For MAGA true believers, the rally was an opportunity to “worship” their leader, as Chairman of the Nevada Republican Party Michael McDonald say it: Heat, McDonald’s speak, have proven that they will “go through hell to get Donald J. Trump back to the White House.” But the sweltering temperatures made it too much for some attendees, who began to retreat as Trump belted out his greatest hits. For them, Trump has a message: “I don’t want anyone attacking me,” he said. speak at one point. “We need every voter. I do not care about you. I just want your vote.”

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