
World News Summary: Myanmar violence increases, praises response of Brazilian refugees, Baháí detainees in Yemen

“Our team is deeply concerned by the latest reports of escalating violence and destruction taking place in the towns of Buthidaung and Maungdaw,” said UN spokesman Stéphane Dujarric. ”.

Increased violence and destruction of property in Buthidaung have led to the displacement of tens of thousands of civilians, mainly Rohingya. UN human rights chief Volker Türk said Myanmar’s military had caused tensions between Rohingya and ethnic Rakhine people in a statement on Sunday.

“This is a critical period when the risk of further atrocities is particularly serious,” he said, calling on rebels from the Arakan Army and Government forces to halt their engagements. painting.

Food is running out

In Rakhine’s capital Sittwe, there are reports of food and cash shortages, rising market prices, water scarcity and the spread of waterborne diseases. Humanitarian assistance and essential services have been severely disrupted, Mr. Dujarric said.

“We call on all military and political leaders as well as those with influence in the community to contribute to de-escalation and defuse efforts to stir up inter-communal tensions, especially between Rakhine and Rohingya ethnic groups, and avoid repeating the past human rights atrocities we have experienced.” seen in Rakhine State,” Mr. Dujarric said.

Mr. Türk called on Bangladesh to “once again extend protection to vulnerable people seeking safety and for the international community to provide all necessary support.”

That call was echoed by the head of the United Nations refugee agency, UNHCRFilippo Grandi said the conflict and violence stemming from the ruling regime’s brutal military crackdown was “worsening significantly”.

“I call on all parties to ensure the safety of civilians and humanitarians,” he said on X.

The response of Brazilian refugees received praise from senior UNHCR officials

Brazil’s unified and comprehensive response to refugees, focused on protecting and finding solutions for refugees, received praise from Executive Assistant High Commissioner at UNHCR Raouf Mazou in a announced on Monday.

During a week-long visit to the country, he said “Brazil’s commitment to comprehensive refugee policies shows that documentation, asylum and other forms of protection, combined with access to jobs, livelihoods, education and health, is the best way to achieve solutions. .”

The Assistant Commissioner’s trip included visits to “innovation projects” in São Paulo and Manaus focusing on recruiting refugees and supporting their integration into local communities.

In the capital Brasilia, he met with the national government to open the second Cartagena+40 Process consultation – a process marking the 40th anniversary of the 1984 Cartagena Declaration on Refugees – emphasizing inclusion and integration.

Flooding in Rio Grande do Sul

Mr. Mazou’s visit took place while southern Brazil suffered heavy rains and floods that affected more than 2 million people, based on official figures, including more than 100 deaths.

Floods have devastated many areas in Rio Grande do Sul state, leaving about 43,000 refugees in need of international protection.

UNHCR is working with authorities to provide “relief items, technical assistance on shelter management and reliable information to refugees and migrants”.

Yemen: Human rights experts call for release of detained Baháís

Leading rights experts called on Monday for the emergency release of five Baháís a year after they were kidnapped by the de facto government in Yemen.

Independent rights experts, including Nazila Ghanea, Special Rapporteur on religious freedom, said the five detainees “continue to be at serious risk of torture”.

In a statement alleging “targeted persecution of religious minorities in Yemen,” human rights experts said the Ansar Allah movement – ​​also known as the Houthis – was responsible.

The history of hate speech

Other released Baháís faced intense pressure to renounce their religious beliefs, human rights experts said, before warning that hate speech against minorities , including the Houthi Grand Mufti of Sana’a, have made matters worse.

The special rapporteur is part of Special procedures Later Eastern Human Rights Association. They do not receive salary for their work and serve according to their personal capacity.

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